Saturday, October 26, 2013

Lan Su Chinese Gardens

Found some inspiration at the Lan Su Chinese Gardens over the week.  It was a very interesting conversation with the theory of Chinese architecture. While every stone to shingle of the buildings was brought over from Sutcho, all the plants came from around the Portland and are originally Chinese native plants. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Energy Unlimited LLC

September is the new beginning for I will be consulting clients from Energy Unlimited LLC. on renewable energy and home performance.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mule Deer Skull x2

Another look at the amazing fractal work of a Mule Deer skull.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Although I will not be focusing on bridges they will probably come up quite often as they are so abundant and amazing to look at.

Aloe Vera

Another look at the form of Nature's architecture.  
The Aloe Vera plant.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Graphics Tablet

Just received my Wacom graphics tablet... Here is my first go messing around.  There is still much to do.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sea stacks

Sea stacks are a testament of the earth’s ability of endurance.  Rocks that have been slowly forced into shape by melting back into the land granule by granule.  Are these rocks the remains of the skeletal structure from a land only divided by time?  Our own bodies will decay in this manner.
Yes, we love the new babies, puppies and the cleanliness that involves the recent; but there is something to be said for the tree that is in the backyard before there was a back yard.  The old vine that has climbed the post only to become stronger than its trainer emits its wisdom and perseverance.
A design should come from a creator’s environment as much as it does the creator’s mind.
The Three Graces
Tillamook Bay, OR

Steel Bridge

Portland's Steel Bridge.
Designed by the Architecture Firm Waddell and Harrington.
Opened: 1912

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mule Deer

I am trying to put up some things that have been an inspiration to me in regards of the element of design.  I truly believe that we take all ideas from nature in one way or another.  I don't believe that my study could truly be underway without a basis built on the greatest architect of all. Nature.
Mule Deer Skull

Portland Foursquare

Ye old Portland four square home in need of some touching up.

Japanese Garden

No one does ambiance quite like the Japanese culture.  Inside and out there is always a feeling of flow and serenity.
Portland Japanese Garden Walkways